Resume mistakes that you should stop making.

Photo by Anna Tarazevich:
If you are searching for a new job, you should know how much its important to focus on writing a good resume. The way you write your resume gives an idea about yourself. Your resume should count on them. If you didn’t do a good job on your resume you can’t qualify for your job. Each step counts.
Using passive tense throughout your resume. In your resume, you should use action verbs over passive tense throughout your resume. “For example, avoid writing something like, “Revenue increased while working on digital campaigns” and instead write “Increased revenue by 10% through digital campaigns.” This will make you seem more assertive and accomplished throughout your entire resume.”
Stop using irrelevant information – Make sure to mention only relevant information, if you going to mention irrelevant information it may be the HR to recruit you. For example – You can’t mention your 10 and 12 certificates, your resume should be updated, and you can’t use your old resumes after 5, or 10 years also.
Examine what you’ve written. -Whenever you write a resume, you should check how you are writing and use good English. Not very advanced, but basic English; please double-check your spelling and grammar before submitting. because it will demonstrate how well you write. Don’t use a difficult word that you can’t even pronounce. Be prepared to answer questions about this if you are interviewed.
Mention your accomplishments at work- Most people forget to mention their accomplishments in their work. You should mention your accomplishments at work or in college. For example, any certificate related to leadership best employee, etc.
Missing contact information. Most people make these mistakes and give the wrong information in their resumes. Your information should be updated. You should fill in the correct details in that.
An unprofessional email address- Using an unprofessional email address can impact your job. Your email address should be very decent. Having an unprofessional email impacts your position. For example, your email address can’t be like this: [email protected]. This kind of email can lead you to a big problem.
Don’t mention your hobbies in your resume.- Hobbies you can mention in resumes are that you work with an NGO, etc. can help you, but mentioning your interest will be not good. Writing about how you schedule golf on weekends, for example, will be ineffective. Mentioning those hobbies that can help you find a good job will be a good advantage.
Mention irrelevant skills in your resume.
Skills are very important nowadays. You should be very focused on what skills you want to mention in your resume. For example, if you are applying as a journalist to a news company, mention your skills. For example, photography, editing, videomaking, etc. Only include skills that are relevant to your job. You can’t say you’re a painter or something. That will not help you find work.
Resume length is very important.
Resumes should be no more than two pages long; they should not be too short or too long. Because your resumes are very important to know about, not your history. You should be very particular about what you are writing. If you explain everything in resumes, it appears to be a question-and-answer sheet. Don’t do that; it can create a negative image.
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